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A Distributed Framework for Early Trending Topics Detection on Big Social Networks Data Threads." In Advances in Big Data: Proceedings of the 2nd INNS Conference on Big Data, October 23-25, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, edited by Plamen Angelov, Yannis Manolopoulos, Lazaros Iliadis, Asim Roy and Marley Vellasco, 186-194. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
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presentation.pdf (1.48 MB)

CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task." In MediaEval, edited by Martha Larson, Adam Rae, Claire-Helene Demarty, Christoph Kofler, Florian Metze, Raphaël Troncy, Vasileios Mezaris and Gareth J. F. Jones. Vol. 807. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 807., 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)
A Distributed Database Server for Continuous Media." In ICDE, edited by Rakesh Agrawal and Klaus R. Dittrich, 490-491. IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
"Model-Based Cluster Analysis for Web Users Sessions." In ISMIS, edited by Mohand-Said Hacid, Neil V. Murray, Zbigniew W. Ras and Shusaku Tsumoto, 219-227. Vol. 3488. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3488. Springer, 2005.
"Partial Match Retrieval in Two-Headed Disk Systems." In DEXA, edited by Norman Revell and Min A Tjoa, 594-603. Vol. 978. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 978. Springer, 1995.
"Social networking trends and dynamics detection via a cloud-based framework design." In WWW (Companion Volume), edited by Alain Mille, Fabien L. Gandon, Jacques Misselis, Michael Rabinovich and Steffen Staab, 1213-1220. ACM, 2012.
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A Structure-Based Clustering on LDAP Directory Information." In ISMIS, edited by Aijun An, Stan Matwin, Zbigniew W. Ras and Dominik Slezak, 121-130. Vol. 4994. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4994. Springer, 2008.
C58.pdf (231.66 KB)
Summarization Meets Visualization on Online Social Networks." In Web Intelligence, edited by Olivier Boissier, Boualem Benatallah, Mike P. Papazoglou, Zbigniew W. Ras and Mohand-Said Hacid, 475-478. IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
C85.pdf (225.88 KB)